
Prophecy 6

The Six Seals –
Revelation 4:1-6:17


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Why Is The Book of Life Necessary?

Before we proceed further into this prophecy, a brief explanation about the origin of sin is necessary because The Book of Life will solve several problems created by sin. (A more comprehensive presentation on this topic is found in Prophecy 12.)

Long before Jesus created Earth, a crisis occurred in Heaven. It all started when Lucifer, the highest created being in the universe, became unhappy with the Father because Lucifer wanted more honor and authority than the Father permitted him to have. When Lucifer realized that he could not have the honor and worship that was given to Michael (Jesus Christ), the archangel,[27]Lucifer became anti-Christ. Motivated by jealousy and sustained by endless bitterness, Lucifer began a secret campaign of sedition against God’s government. Ultimately, he led one-third of the angels into open rebellion against the Father.

Prior to His life on Earth, Jesus lived among the angels as one of them. As the archangel, Michael,[28] Jesus looked like them and talked like them. Later, when Jesus became a man, Jesus looked like a man and talked like a man. However, Jesus is far more than an angel or a man. Jesus is a member of the Godhead, the Creator of everything that exists.[29] As God, He has lived as an angel and a human. Our Creator is willing to live as one of His creation so that He might reveal the wonderful ways and character of the Father to His creation!

Lucifer had a serious problem with Christ. Lucifer wanted to be exalted among the angels like the archangel. After all, Lucifer was the other covering cherub. He cloaked his envy and bitterness with self-righteousness. He began to create doubts about God’s integrity by twisting topics that God had not yet clarified. Lucifer discovered that holy angels could be alienated from God if he put the Father and Michael (Jesus) in a suspicious light. For example, everyone in Heaven knew that the Father had foreknowledge. Lucifer argued that since the Father already knew what each angel would think and do, the Father could not be outwitted or overthrown. The Father was a dictator and it was “His way or the highway.” Lucifer claimed there could be no freedom or democracy in Heaven because the Father was an all-knowing dictator. The Father would prevent any angel from improving and gaining a higher place in His government. Lucifer insinuated this was grossly unfair. He used his own situation as proof. Why should he be treated as a lesser angel throughout eternity? Why should one covering cherub be more highly honored and worshiped? Lucifer preyed on the other angels’ naive sympathy and some of the angels empathized with Lucifer’s “unfair” situation. Lucifer also told sympathetic angels that the Father did not give angels the power of choice because any choice that was contrary to God’s way would be considered rebellion. Further, Lucifer asserted that the angels were just eternal “slaves” and the Father was nothing more than an omnipotent control freak!

To ensure that the angels took his arguments seriously, Lucifer taunted the angels with a law that no one understood at the time. When He created the angels, Michael declared to the angels a “strange law.” This law defined the penalty for sin which is sudden death by execution. Jesus also explained this law to Adam and Eve at their creation. Simply stated, this strange law says, “You will be killed on the day that you sin.”[30]

Using arguments that were skillfully and logically framed to put the government of God in the poorest possible light, Lucifer convinced one-third of the angels that the Father could not possibly be a God of love because “the sudden death law” was inescapable. Lucifer charged that if someone should happen to exercise their power of choice in a way that God did not like, the result would be sudden death! Lucifer’s arguments were so sophisticated and convincing that one-third of the angels lost their respect, and finally, their love for the Father and Michael, the archangel.

Lucifer’s political propaganda made the Father appear to be a tyrant. Lucifer positioned God’s strange law in such a way that many of the holy angels became angry with God. Lucifer argued that God’s sudden death law and God’s foreknowledge are inseparable. Therefore, God is a God of control; not love. Lucifer induced animosity and prejudice toward the Father and he taunted the angels who chose to remain loyal to the Father and Michael. Ridicule can be intimidating, so Lucifer may have added ridicule to his arguments to further obscure the truth. Using devious subterfuge against the Father, Lucifer created two false options: Either obey God and be His eternal slave or exercise the power of choice and immediately die. These options, he claimed, do not represent a God of love. Lucifer justified his hatred for the Father and Michael with this logic: The Father already knows what we are going to do and He has a law that justifies our death should we step out of line. With God, there is no choice. So, Lucifer invited the angels to join with him and together they formed a “better government.” They would not be the eternal slaves of a powerful tyrant who claimed to be a God of love.

Remember, rebellion did not exist in the universe before Lucifer began campaigning against the Father and even more, the angels had not observed a single instance of the “sudden death” law. They had no knowledge of good and evil and because no one had seen evil before, Lucifer could make a compelling case against God that appeared solid and logical. Eventually, Lucifer’s envy led him to commit conspiracy. Lucifer convinced one-third of the holy angels that the Holy Father was unfair and unloving. Strange as this may sound, the Father did not have a legitimate way at that time to prove Lucifer wrong. Of course, the Father could have presented logical arguments that would have silenced Lucifer or He could have snuffed out Lucifer’s life, but that would prove nothing. God wisely allowed Lucifer to spread sedition throughout Heaven to test the angels’ faith. Would they obey God’s first commandment? When tempted, would they love God with all their heart, mind, and soul? God permitted the love and faith of His angels to be tested in the same way that He has allowed the love and faith of human beings to be tested. Love and faith in God cannot be validated until it is tested and demonstrated. When Lucifer’s rebellion reached critical mass (one-third of Heaven’s angels infected with disaffection), God stepped into the fray and ultimately, Lucifer and his angels were cast out of Heaven.

When the Father wrote The Book of Life, He foreknew Lucifer would rebel, He foreknew how Adam and Eve would fall and He foresaw Jesus dying on the cross. The Father foreknew all of these things before any life was created and He wrote them down. Because God is eternally committed to the principles of love, from the beginning His primary concern was not Lucifer’s rebellion or Adam and Eve’s fall. Looking through the corridor of eternity, the Father planned a way for resolving the sin problem so that the future likelihood of sin would be extremely remote. God does not want sin to occur a third time. This explains why God allowed Lucifer to exercise his freedom for a period of time. He allowed Lucifer’s willful rebellion to test the faith and loyalty of His angels.

Each angel carefully considered Lucifer’s arguments, and two-thirds of the angels chose to remain loyal to the Father even though they could not answer Lucifer’s arguments. Two-thirds of the angels chose to remain faithful to God because they were convinced that God is love. Everyone understood that God had given them the gift of life and He had faithfully met every need. Before Lucifer became evil minded, Heaven had been a joyful place to live, but Lucifer’s actions changed everything. The angels that chose to remain loyal did so because they believed there was sufficient evidence to justify their faith and loyalty to God. For them, the evidences of God’s love outweighed Lucifer’s skillful complaints.

Lucifer’s defiance led to war and Lucifer and one-third of the angels disappeared.[31] Suddenly, there was an eerie silence in Heaven. As the full impact of Lucifer’s rebellion began to dawn on the remaining angels, I am sure that many hearts were broken. Close friends had parted ways and loving relationships were terminated. I am sure that human words cannot describe the sadness that the Father and Michael, the Creator, felt that dark day.

After the Father cast Lucifer out of Heaven, Lucifer sought a place where he could rule as lord and king. He was determined to show the universe that his ideas for government were superior to God’s government. Lucifer saw an opportunity to gain control of a new creation when Jesus created Earth. Maybe Lucifer reasoned that it would be easier to start with a new creation than to destroy an existing government on some planet and rebuild it. I am also sure that Lucifer was fascinated with the ability that God had given to Adam and Eve to procreate. Again, Lucifer saw an opportunity. If he could get Adam and Eve to disobey God’s law,[32] he could grow an ever expanding kingdom of subjects. What Lucifer did not know, however, was that God had a plan to redeem sinners should sin occur without defiance. Satan did not know that a plan of redemption was prepared if it should become necessary.

Bible students know the story. Lucifer lied to Eve, and Adam willfully sinned because he loved Eve more than God. (He violated the first law of love.) Ever since that awful day, endless cycles of sorrow, suffering, and death have occurred on Earth. Of course, the Father foreknew all these things and before any of them occurred, He wrote a complete history of life before any life was created. The Father perfectly sealed His book with seven seals to keep the details of His foreknowledge a secret. If the information in The Book of Life was prematurely released, it would be very difficult for the Father to overcome any accusation. For example, consider this often repeated argument: Since the Father knows who will be saved and who will be lost, He has predetermined who will be saved and lost. When The Book of Life is opened, this argument (and others) will be proven false. So, the Father wisely sealed up The Book of Life and the contents will not be exposed until the thousand years have ended.[33]

For the greater good of the universe, the Father did not execute Lucifer and the angels, or Adam and Eve on the day they sinned. He temporarily and wisely stayed their execution to allow sin and rebellion to fully mature. Remember, God’s primary objective is preventing a third episode of sin. Therefore, the Father wants everyone in the universe to clearly understand the properties of sin before He annihilates any sinner.

Who is Worthy?

Now that we have considered some background information on The Book of Life, let us return to the story of the courtroom scene and the angel’s question, “Who is worthy?” The Father is obviously looking for someone who is capable of resolving the sin problem so that His government and policies can be exonerated. The Father is planning ahead. He is looking forward, billions of years in the future. When thousands of new worlds exist and an infinite number of inhabitants have been created, He wants everyone to know that even though He has perfect foreknowledge, He did not and He will never use this divine power to protect Himself from rebellion or sin. He wants everyone to understand that His “sudden death” law is based on divine wisdom and love for oncoming generations. Looking back on sin’s drama, all future creations will see that the Father allowed Lucifer and sin to exist for a few thousand years because He wants all current and future beings to understand the horrific consequences of sin. Personally, I believe the Father will dramatically expand the number of children living in His universe after the knowledge of good and evil has been fully defined and understood.

After the truth about good and evil is exposed to the universe, the “sudden death” law will be viewed very differently than before. Unlike human governments that create laws on an “as needed” basis, God does not create moral laws on an “as needed” basis. Consider this scenario: At the end of the 1,000 years, God will resurrect all of the wicked so that Jesus can review their life’s record with them. Jesus wants each wicked person to review his or her life and realize that His judgment of them was careful, righteous, and fair. The information in the Books of Record, as recorded by angels, will be presented. Each wicked person will be forced by the evidence presented that his choices were accurately recorded and that Jesus judged righteously. (Every knee will bow.[34])

After the admission of the wicked takes place, the seventh seal will be broken and The Book of Life will be opened and compared with the Books of Record. Everyone will see that the contents are identical. They will also see that the names of the wicked were blotted out of The Book of Life. This feature makes the event very interesting. Everyone will then be forced by the evidence to admit that God did not use His foreknowledge to protect Himself from rebellion and He did not use His foreknowledge to determine the eternal destiny of any being!

Later, when the wicked advance on the Holy City to destroy it, the saints will also see the wisdom of the Father’s “sudden death” law. Going forward into eternity, the beauty of this law is simple. It limits the cancer of sin to one sinner.* By destroying a sinner on the day that he sins, the virus of sin cannot be passed to another person. During the drama of sin, the truth about good and evil was completely revealed. Once the universe properly understands the curse of sin, everyone will agree that God’s love and His sudden death law are not in opposition. Furthermore, everyone will know that Jesus will not die again to redeem sinners. Consequently, anyone who deliberately defies the laws of love will be executed on the day he exhibits defiance. There will be no excuse or tolerance for rebellion. Because God’s children will always have the power of choice, there will always be a possibility of sin erupting in the universe, but God has allowed sin to run its evil course in Heaven and on Earth one time and this drama will not happen again. If defiance should rise again, it will last one day.

Note: When the saints are taken to Heaven, none will have a carnal nature. There will be no predisposition toward sin or rebellion toward God.[35] When the carnal nature is removed, committing sin will be more difficult than sinners overcoming temptation. This may be difficult to comprehend, but throughout eternity, sinning will not come naturally or easily. However, rebellion and defiance will always be possible because God grants His children the power of choice.

I have alluded to this point previously, but I believe after the current drama of sin is finished, Jesus will endlessly create new planets and He will fill them with new people. Suppose a billion years from now a newly created person is tempted to sin. I believe the Father will, if necessary, send all of the redeemed from planet Earth to visit with that newly created being. Ex-sinners will try to reason with that being about the horrible consequences of sin. However, if God’s newly created being chooses to defy God and continue to rebel (as Lucifer did), then God will act to protect the universe from sin by annihilating the sinner on the day that he commits sin. If this should occur, all of the watching universe will agree that God’s action was appropriate.

These substantive issues have been discussed because breaking the seven seals and revealing the contents of The Book of Life is an extremely important part of apocalyptic prophecy. Even though the Father is Almighty God and is omnipotent, He needs two infallible witnesses who can prove that He is love. The Book of Life will serve as one witness and the other witness must be a worthy person who can break open the seven seals and carry out the requirements ordained in each seal.


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