
Prophecy 8

The Six Trumpets –
Revelation 8:2 – 9:21

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One-Third / Two-Thirds

It is important to understand that God’s judgments will be mixed with mercy during the seven trumpets. This point is highlighted by the repetitive use of one-third; a third of the trees will be burned up, a third of the ships will sink, and a third of the day will be without light. In fact, “one-third” is mentioned twelve times in the seven trumpets! Jesus assures us a dozen times that even though His wrath is great, He is more than generous. Instead of destroying two-thirds of everything, Jesus spares two-thirds of everything! To appreciate this point, we have to examine a few passages from the Old Testament to understand the ancient practice of sparing one-third and destroying two-thirds.

During Old Testament times, a conquering king might feel that some grace might be merited or politically expedient. If so, he would typically spare one-third of his enemies. Notice this text: “David also defeated the Moabites. He made them lie down on the ground and measured them off with a length of cord. Every two lengths of them were put to death, and the third length was allowed to live. So the Moabites became subject to David and brought tribute [paid their taxes].”[23]

King David was as generous as he was wise. He spared one-third of the Moabites for two redemptive reasons. First, he felt the surviving Moabites might have a change of heart and gladly pay their tribute [taxes] if he spared their lives. (It is amazing what people can do when motivated by gratitude!) Second, David did not want to eliminate a significant portion of his tax base. David knew that the Moabites would recover from this war and repopulate their tribal nation. Future taxes would mean additional future income for Israel’s treasury! So, David spared one-third of the Moabites.

Now notice how Jesus applied the one-third / two-thirds principle when He destroyed Jerusalem during the days of Nebuchadnezzar: “Therefore as surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your vile images and detestable practices, I myself will withdraw my favor; I will not look on you with pity or spare you. A third of your people will die of the plague or perish by famine inside you; a third will fall by the sword outside your walls; and a third I will scatter to the winds and pursue with drawn sword.”[24]

This last text is another confirmation of the ancient custom of sparing one-third and destroying two-thirds: “ ‘In the whole land,’ declares the Lord, ‘two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it.’ ”[25]

In light of typically destroying two-thirds, the repetitive destruction of one-third in Revelation makes sense. This language reveals to us that the seven trumpets are redemptive in nature. The seven trumpets will be mixed with mercy. Instead of justifiably destroying two-thirds of everything, the Lord will restrain His wrath by only destroying one-third. Jesus is “double generous!” Of course, when God’s wrath breaks out, very few people will think that Jesus is generous at all, but man’s ignorance has no bearing on God’s actions. If God destroyed two-thirds of everything during the seven trumpets, His actions would be justified in the eyes of watching angels because, corporately speaking, the world today is very similar to the world in Noah’s day; beyond redemption.

The first trumpet judgment will be fiery hail mixed with blood, that is, wrath mixed with the interceding blood of the Lamb. This mixture also indicates redemptive mercy and it stands in contrast to God’s wrath during the seven bowls where there is no mixture of mercy.[26] Mercifully, Jesus spares two-thirds of the world from fire during the first trumpet. The survivors will quickly conclude that the destruction of notably wicked places was not a random event of nature. Many evil people will turn from their ways and seek the Lord with repentance and a contrite heart.

The Sequence Continues

Revelation 8:8-9

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.{8} Jesus gave a signal and the second angel blew his trumpet. Immediately, a large asteroid came out of the sky at a terrific rate of speed and impacted an ocean. One-third of the ships were destroyed by the resulting impact, but the heaviest damage was caused by a towering wall of water that raced outward from the impact zone. It was several hundred feet high. The tsunami soon reached all of the coastal cities on the ocean’s rim within which resulted in total devastation. Huge waves of water raced back and forth across the ocean and thousands of coastal cities around the ocean were totally destroyed.[27] Because of atmospheric friction, the asteroid was very hot at the time of the impact; so hot that it boiled the oxygen out of the water.
{9} As a result, one-third of the creatures living in the ocean either died from the shockwave, boiling water, or the loss of oxygen. Soon after the impact, the water turned red, like blood.

Red algae thrives in oxygen deficient water. When this toxic algae blooms, it causes water to look like blood. When sea creatures eat the blooms, a toxin in the algae kills the creatures. When birds and other creatures eat fish killed by the toxin, they also die.

Think about the consequences of this judgment: Thousands of cities, formerly located around the rim of the ocean, will be washed away. International trading will cease, shipping ports will no longer exist and the economies of the world will collapse.

The world will be in shock. First, there was a global earthquake. Then came unquenchable fire from Heaven and now, huge walls of destructive water. The 144,000 will tell the world that God’s wrath is proportionate to the wickedness that plagues Earth and that more judgments are coming. The next judgment will be poisoned drinking water. Many people will curse God, others will cry out that God is hateful and cruel. “How can a God of love do such things?”

The Bible declares that God is love.[28] This means that God’s actions are always and forever consistent with principles of love. If we closely examine God’s behavior, we will find that the God who died on the cross for our sins is the same God who destroyed the world in Noah’s day and killed the firstborn in Egypt! Jesus willingly died on the cross because He “so loved the world”[29] and because He loved us before we knew Him.[30]

With a little effort, we can properly understand God’s love. Love is more than an emotion of good will and kindness. Love is the balance between justice and mercy. When we say that God is love, we are saying that God is committed to principles of righteousness, fairness, and selflessness. When we say that God has wrath, we are saying that God executes justice when righteousness, fairness, and selflessness are threatened. Consider the flood in Noah’s day. A “God of love” destroyed the whole world (men, women, and children) when a majority of the people became wicked, defiant, and violent.[31]

God hates to see individuals and nations self-destruct through degeneracy, rebellion, and sexual immorality.[32] God is patient and longsuffering, not willing that anyone should perish.[33] We sometimes forget that God loves oncoming generations just as much as He loves the present generation. At times, God has destroyed decadent generations so that future generations can be free of the heavy yoke of suffering that sin imposes on subsequent generations. Remember, the burden of sin grows more extreme with each generation. The sins of the fathers are passed down to the third and fourth generation![34] Over time, the consequences of decadent behavior becomes exponential. Sin is like gravity. It creates a downward vortex that pulls everyone (including the innocent) into its grip of sorrow, suffering, sickness, and death. To stop the vicious vortex, God steps in with destruction. He cauterizes the cancer of sin so that future generations can have a chance to live without the accumulated baggage (addiction, ignorance, idolatry, poverty, and cruelty) passed down from the previous generation. When a majority of people become sexually immoral, defiant, and violent, a God of love notices and responds accordingly.

God’s people are sometimes destroyed along with degenerate people. His wrath against wickedness is not discriminating. For example, when God sent King Nebuchadnezzar against Jerusalem,[35] the pagan king killed many of God’s people and he took some young men, like Ezekiel and Daniel, to Babylon as captives. When God destroyed the world in Noah’s day, thousands of innocent children perished. God’s wrath is like the indiscriminate destruction of an atomic bomb. This does not mean that everyone destroyed by God’s wrath is condemned forever! The cause of death is not important to God. What matters to Him is how well we conform to His two commandments: Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself.[36] Whether a person dies of illness, crime, accident, or during an expression of God’s wrath, the cause of death has nothing to do with one’s eternal destiny. In every situation, God will carefully and thoughtfully judge all people according to their actions.[37]

The 144,000 will tell the world that God’s wrath is consistent with His love because in God’s heart, there is a perfect balance between justice and mercy. Most of the world will respond with ridicule and hatred. The 144,000 will also tell the world that God has witnessed our corporate behavior and His actions are commensurate with our wickedness and rebellion. This will shock many people! They will retort, “Are we really all that evil in God’s sight?” The 144,000 will encourage people to repent of their evil ways and to make peace with God. They will explain that Jesus demands worship because He is the Creator of life and our Redeemer. The 144,000 will declare that God is sovereign and He requires everyone to obey His commands. Unfortunately, the testimony of the 144,000 will offend many people and they will refuse God’s offer of salvation.

Revelation 8:10

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;{10} Jesus gave a third signal and the third angel blew his trumpet. A great star, having a long tail like a comet, fell from the sky and impacted a continent. This asteroid impact released an amount of energy that exceeded ten million atomic bombs! It seemed that Earth itself would break into pieces because the impact was so great. Huge tectonic plates broke loose. Ground waves and huge aftershocks radiated from the impact zone at very high rates of speed. The ground waves broke underground aquifers, sheared water-wells, septic systems, and sewage leaching fields. Toxic waste, which was thought to be safely buried deep within the Earth, spilled from containers, seeped into the aquifers, and one-third of the rivers and springs of water became poisonous. Within a week, tens of thousands of people died from drinking bitter water.

Because the first four trumpets are surgical strikes directed at notably wicked places, I believe this asteroid will strike a continent or nation that God finds particularly offensive.

Revelation 8:11

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.{11} People called this asteroid, “The star of death.” The name of the star is “Wormwood.” The word means poisonous water.[38] Millions of people, facing an agonizing death because of dehydration, drank the water and died.

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