
Prophecy 8

The Six Trumpets –
Revelation 8:2 – 9:21

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The Rules of Interpretation

Consider how the Rules of Interpretation are observed in this prophecy:
Rule One says an apocalyptic prophecy has a beginning point and ending point in time and the events within the prophecy occur in the order given. This prophecy conforms to Rule One because chronological order is self evident:

  1. The seven angels stand before God and are given seven trumpets
  2. The angel ministering at the golden Altar of Incense presents a petition to the Lord that comes from all of the saints
  3. The Lord answers the petition of His saints and the censer is cast down, terminating the services at the Altar of Incense
  4. The angels prepare to sound their trumpets
  5. The trumpets sound in chronological order

For reasons presented in Appendix A, I believe this prophecy began in 1994. For reasons that will be discussed in the next prophecy, this prophecy ends on the 1,265th day of the Great Tribulation.

Rule Two says a fulfillment only occurs when all of the specifications are met, and this includes the order stated in the prophecy. At this time, one element in this prophecy has been fulfilled. The seven angels have received the seven trumpets. According to the previous prophecy (Prophecy 7), these angels are waiting for the selection and sealing of the 144,000. Once the 144,000 have been sealed, Jesus will announce that there will be no more delay and God’s wrath will begin.

Rule Three says that apocalyptic language can be literal, analogous, or symbolic. To reach the intended meaning of a prophecy, the reader must consider (a) the context, (b) the use of parallel language in the Bible, and (c) if an element is thought to be symbolic, the Bible must interpret the symbol with a relevant text. The language used in this prophecy is not symbolic because there are no relevant texts defining a symbol. On the other hand, we do find an extensive use of analogous and literal language. The language used in the first four trumpets should be taken literally, although some analogous language is mixed in. For example, the Bible says, “there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth.”[78] If the first trumpet is a meteoric firestorm of burning hail that burns up a third of the Earth and all of the green grass, then the phrase “fire mixed with blood” must be explained. The first trumpet judgment is an expression of God’s wrath. He will burn up a third of the Earth in the same way that He burned up Sodom and Gomorrah; by raining down a hailstorm of burning meteors. There is a mixture of blood mentioned in this judgment which means there is a mixture of mercy. (This mixture stands in contrast to the seven bowls which have no mixture of mercy. Revelation 14:10) Instead of destroying two-thirds of the world, Jesus destroys one-third. The parallels between wrath and mercy, fire and blood are obvious. God began offering mercy to mankind through the promise of Christ’s atoning blood the day that sin came to Earth.

I maintain that trumpets five and six also use literal and analogous language. Remember, if an element is thought to be symbolic, the Bible must interpret the symbol with a relevant text that specifically addresses the symbol. The difficulty with these two trumpet judgments is that there are biblical concepts involved which are difficult to describe within the limitations of language. The devil and his demons are literal beings, yet they currently live in a realm that human beings cannot smell, taste, hear, touch, or see. Our physical senses cannot detect Lucifer and his followers. So, God used some ideas that were common in John’s day to illustrate concepts that human beings cannot explain. For example, the Bible says, “They [the locusts described in verse 7] had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.”[79] Who is the angel of the Abyss? Who is king over a great cloud of locusts that have faces that resemble human faces, wear gold crowns on their heads, have long hair and lion’s teeth? The Bible uses literal language to describe spiritual details and this misleads people into thinking the book of Revelation is full of mysterious symbols. Instead, God describes spiritual things with literal language so that we can properly grasp concepts that go beyond human reality. God has stayed within the limits of language to explain what a visible Lucifer and visible demons will do once they are permitted to physically appear on Earth! If Rule Three is carefully observed, the Bible will make sense, “just as it reads.”

Rule Four says the presence or absence of the Jubilee Calendar determines how God measures time. The fifth trumpet has a time period of five months. The Jubilee Calendar expired in 1994 and time is not translated a day for a year after 1994. This allows two interesting issues to unfold. First, if we assume that Jesus keeps the devil and his angels in the Abyss for two-thirds of the 1,335 days allotted for the Great Tribulation, the fifth trumpet should occur around the 891sh day of the Great Tribulation. The five months allotted for the fifth trumpet (remember, a month in God’s calendar is one new moon to another new moon – or 29.53 days) would end around the 1,039th day of the Great Tribulation. (890 days + 148 days = 1,038 days) If this calculation is correct, then the sixth trumpet will occur approximately two years and ten months after the Great Tribulation begins. Perhaps “Day 1039” will be the “very hour, day, month and year” predicted. “And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.”[80]

The second interesting issue that unfolds from God’s use of literal time is that the sixth trumpet appears to span 226 days. This number is determined as follows:

  1,265 days (the seventh trumpet sounds)
– 1,039 days (the end of the fifth trumpet)
equals 226 days or about seven and a half months.

These calculations enable us to put some perspective on the time allowed for Lucifer’s physical presence on Earth. Given the limitations of travel and communication that will exist during the time of the fifth trumpet, and given the fact that there are approximately 220 nations on Earth, five months (148 days) is a very short period of time for Lucifer to deceive the whole world. Then, if we allow 226 days for the sixth trumpet, Lucifer has to work fast to accomplish the following:

  1. The abolition of the world’s religions and governments
  2. The slaughter of a third of mankind and establishment of a worldwide government
  3. The enforcement of the mark of the beast
  4. Secure his position as king of kings and lord of lords

Clearly, the last 445 days of the Great Tribulation will be awful. This span of time covers the last three woes.
Rule Four is very helpful in this prophecy because it produces perfect harmony from the sum of its parts. The Great Tribulation is 1,335 days in length, so everything described above easily fits together with respect to timing and accomplishment!


  1. Matthew 24:37 Return
  2. Leviticus 25:9Joel 2:1 Return
  3. Revelation 6:8 and Revelation 9:15 Note: Suppose the world population is 7 billion and 25% die when the fourth seal is broken. This means that 1.75 billion people will perish. 7 billion people minus 1.75 billion people leave 5.25 billion people remaining. Then, one-third of the world’s population is killed during the sixth trumpet. One-third of 5.25 billion people is 1.75 billion people. Therefore, 1.75 billion deaths plus 1.75 billion deaths equals 3.5 billion people or 50% of the world’s population. Return
  4. Revelation 11:7-19 Return
  5. Revelation 6:7,8 Return
  6. See http://www.wake-up.org/links/soferim.htm. Even the priests served in a rotation of 24 groups. See also Luke 1:8,9Return
  7. Exodus 29:38-43 Return
  8. The Bible indicates the blood for corporate sins was applied to the horns of the Altar of Incense, whereas blood shed for individual sins was applied to the horns of the Altar of Burnt Offering. Compare Leviticus 4:7,18 with Leviticus 4:25,30. Furthermore, on the Day of Atonement, the horns on the Altar of Incense required cleansing just like the horns on the Altar of Burnt Offering. (Leviticus 16:18,19) Therefore, the Altar of Incense was contaminated by corporate sin in the same way that the Altar of Burnt Offering was contaminated by the sins of individuals. Return
  9. Hebrews 8:1-5 Return
  10. Genesis 2:17 Return
  11. Genesis 3:21 Return
  12. Romans 12:1,2 Return
  13. Revelation 6:7,8 Return
  14. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Return
  15. Revelation 10:6 Return
  16. Revelation 1:65:10Hebrews 5:1 Return
  17. See Hebrews 12:27 and compare physical signs and wonders in Revelation 8:5 with Revelation 11:19 and 16:18-20Return
  18. Daniel 12:11,12 Return
  19. Daniel 8:19 Return
  20. Numbers 16:46-502 Samuel 24:15,162 Kings 19:352 Chronicles 28:61 Corinthians 10:8 Return
  21. 1 John 4:18 Return
  22. Matthew 28:20 Return
  23. 2 Samuel 8:2, insertion mine Return
  24. Ezekiel 5:11,12, italics mine Return
  25. Zechariah 13:8 Return
  26. Revelation 14:1015:1 Return
  27. Luke 21:25,26 Return
  28. 1 John 4:8 Return
  29. John 3:16 Return
  30. Romans 5:8 Return
  31. Genesis 6:5-7 Return
  32. Genesis 13:13 Return
  33. 2 Peter 3:9 Return
  34. Exodus 20:5 Return
  35. Jeremiah 25:8,9 Return
  36. Matthew 22:37-39 Return
  37. Ecclesiastes 12:13,142 Corinthians 5:10 Return
  38. Jeremiah 9:15 (KJV) Return
  39. Isaiah 14:12-16Ezekiel 28:12-19 Return
  40. Matthew 2:13-20Revelation 12:4,5 Return
  41. John 12:31,32 Return
  42. Revelation 12:7-9 Note: Prior to Resurrection Sunday, Lucifer and his angels had limited access to Heaven. (Job 1:6,7) Evidently, God recognized Lucifer as the prince of this world after Adam and Eve fell. (John 12:31) As the prince of Earth, Lucifer had a seat in God’s government. When Jesus paid the price for sin with His own blood, Jesus redeemed the world (that is, He bought the world back). Jesus was appointed the prince of this world on Resurrection Sunday, but Lucifer would not relinquish his position and this explains the war described in Revelation 12:7-9Return
  43. Mark 5:7-15 Return
  44. Isaiah 14:16,17Revelation 17:8 Return
  45. Revelation 13:13,14 Return
  46. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12John 8:44 Return
  47. Numbers 21:4-9 Return
  48. Malachi 3:6 Return
  49. Daniel 2:21 Return
  50. 2 Kings 19:35 Return
  51. Jeremiah 25:8,9 Return
  52. Compare Leviticus 18:26-30 with Leviticus 26:14-39Return
  53. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Return
  54. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Return
  55. Daniel 9:26Hosea 5:10Revelation 12:15Jeremiah 47:1-4 Return
  56. Jeremiah 6:22,2325:931:851:48Ezekiel 9:2 Return
  57. Jeremiah 1:14Ezekiel 26:7Job 37:22 Return
  58. Daniel 8:9,2311:36 Note: The horn that comes out of the north in Daniel 8 is called a stern-faced king implying the stern-faced king comes out of the north. Return
  59. This date is based on the assumption that the fifth trumpet will begin on a new moon, the 891st day of the Great Tribulation. Five lunar months will expire (148 days) and then, the sixth trumpet will sound (the 1,039th day of the Great Tribulation). Return
  60. Revelation 6:11 Return
  61. See Mark 6:36-44 for a parallel. Return
  62. Revelation 13:15 Return
  63. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 Return
  64. Exodus 18:19-26Numbers 31:14Deuteronomy 1:151 Samuel 8:10-20 Return
  65. Exodus 18:23-25 Return
  66. Revelation 13:15 Return
  67. Consider these references, including these where God and King David spared one-third and killed two-thirds: Revelation 9:1513:15Zechariah 13:8Ezekiel 5:11-132 Samuel 8:2 Return
  68. Revelation 17:15-17 Return
  69. Revelation 13:10 (NIV) Return
  70. John 16:1-3 Return
  71. Ezekiel 23:6,14 Return
  72. The sixth trumpet appears to be 226 days in length. The seventh trumpet occurs on the 1,265th day of the Great Tribulation, so 1,265 days minus 1,039 days equals 226 days. Return
  73. Revelation 18:1-7 Return
  74. Revelation 6:1116:4-718:24 Return
  75. Matthew 24:14 Return
  76. Matthew 12:31-32 Return
  77. Matthew 8:28-34 Return
  78. Revelation 8:7 Return
  79. Revelation 9:11, insertion mine Return
  80. Revelation 9:15 Return

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