

The Ark of the Covenant Uncovered

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11. Babylon will persecute the 144,000 and those who embrace the gospel of Jesus. The saints will be persecuted for forty-two months. Persecution could begin on the sixty-fourth day after the censer is cast down.


12. The advance of the gospel will stall about 890 days into the Great Tribulation. Everyone will have taken a position on the gospel, but some wicked people will abandon their position when they experience the fifth and sixth trumpets.


13. The devil and his angels will be released from the spirit realm during the fifth trumpet. They will physically appear before the people of Earth with a great show of glory, signs, and wonders.


14. For five months, the devil will masquerade, as “Almighty God” and his demons will torture the non-religious wicked group into submission.


15. At the end of the five months, the sixth trumpet will sound and the devil will abruptly change character. He will become a stern-faced dictator. He will demand that a theocracy be established and that all religions and governments be abolished. He will appoint ten kings (taskmasters) to oversee his theocracy.


16. For purposes of rations and administration, the devil will divide the people into groups of 1,000. Four of his angels will kill one-third of mankind. The result will be 666 survivors and one lieutenant per unit of 1,000. The devil will require all survivors to wear a tattoo showing the number 666 on their right hands. The devil’s lieutenants will also wear the devil’s name tattooed on their foreheads, which will indicate their high rank in the devil’s theocracy.


17. Counting from the day the censer is cast down; the seventh trumpet will sound on the 1,265th day. God will display the Ark of the Covenant from Heaven on this day. The righteous will be thrilled to see the Ark because they have God’s law written in their hearts and minds. The wicked on the other hand, will tremble. They have refused to honor God’s covenant and they are therefore subjects of its curse. They will be condemned to death because they have rejected love and sacrifice and embraced selfishness and rebellion.


18. One thing will be come very clear after the devil physically appears Man was created as a lower order than the angels. We are no match for the superior strength and intelligence. The physical appearing of the devil with 200,000,000 demons is designed to awaken the wicked, if possible, to man’s desperate need of a Savior.


Closing Remarks


Near the beginning of this study, I wrote that God has several important objectives for the seven trumpets, which I hope you now understand. Here is a list of seven objectives I am sure will be achieved:


1. The Revelation of Jesus: The whole world will be introduced to the reality of Jesus Christ. The world will learn that Jesus is Sovereign. He is our Creator, Savior, and God. All other gods are manmade.


2. The Intercession of Jesus: The world will discover that God’s wrath against Adam and Eve was suspended by Jesus’ love for mankind. When the censer is cast down, a great awakening will occur because of God’s wrath.


3. The Worship of Jesus: Babylon will attempt to appease God through forced worship. This endeavor on man’s part will only make the voluntary worship of Jesus better known and understood.


4. The Law of Jesus: Babylon will make laws opposing the law of God. This will make the Ten Commandments (God’s covenant) more widely known than ever before.


5.The Love of Jesus: Babylon will persecute the saints and in so doing, their love for God and one another will show the world how wonderful God’s love is. In spite of persecution, God’s people will be filled with peace and joy.


6. The Character of Jesus: When the devil is released from the Abyss, the world will see and experience what an “omnipotent” sinner is like. The man of lawlessness will do as he pleases. This will give everyone a glimpse of what Jesus is unlike. (I used the word “omnipotent” because no one will be able to thwart or stop the devil from doing as he wishes. At the present time, many people think this is the way that God acts.)


Eternity with Jesus: Few people presently understand the curse of sin. The order of things that we face has been in place for 6,000 years. The destruction of Earth, beyond the point of recovery, will force people to seriously consider their eternal destiny – either eternal life with Jesus or eternal separation (death without Jesus.)

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