

Last of a Breed
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The Ekklesia: Called Out Into Discipleship of Christ


The Great Controversy, the Soul, and the Kingdom


“Every plant which My heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.”

Matthew 15:13.


The religion that comes from God is the only religion that will lead to God.”

DA 189.


Some of Us Still Love God for Who He Is


Some of us who live in the wilds of the mountains, some of us in the country getting ready for the Time of Trouble, some of us abiding in the desert, seacoast or amongst the mists and the crows, all of us who abide in the secret place of the Most High – still love God, and love Him for Who He is. And we love His Word to us.


Some of us Still Love The Voice of Christ


Some of us who love the night sky, Orion, the Pleiades, and the solemn glories of the moon shining brightly over the dark forest, prairie and desert, still love discipleship, still love the voice of Christ speaking His mysteries personally to our hearts.


Some of Us Still Love the Presence of the Holy Spirit


Some of us who love to get up long before the glorious sunrise, to enjoy the special hour as all nature awakens to a new day, love the presence of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.


Some of Us Still Love the Deep things of God


Some of us love the lavender shades of twilight love to have the Holy Spirit reveal to us the deep things of the heart of God. We, who cherish the deep love of a godly spouse, cherish also the hour of sunrise and sunset when we meet with God, study His Word, and live life of reverence before the Living God.


Some of us love the sweet influences of the Spirit of God, the nuances of the love of Christ; we still love the refreshing from on high.


Some of Us Still Love the Spirit of the Early Adventism


Some of us still love the spirit of early Adventism, the hope that animated the Great Advent Movement of 1844, and the Sabbath conferences of 1848.


Some of us have felt the brush of angel wings as Miller worked through the chronology of the 2,300 evening-mornings, the 70 weeks, 457 BC., and 1844.


Some of Us Still Love the Great Controversy


Some of us have our hearts stirred as we read the Great Controversy. Some of us love the truth uncovered and maintained by the Waldenses in their Alps, of Wycliffe pouring over the sacred scriptures and standing up for truth, of Huss at the state in Bohemia, of Martin Luther at Worms, of Calvin in Geneva, of fearless Knox before the queen, of the Covenanters sealing their faithfulness with their names in blood, celebrating the Lord’s supper by the thousands on the wild moors of Scotland.   


Some of Us Have Felt the Joy of Having Made Everything Right With God


Some of us have felt the joy of full surrender to Christ, the oneness of being one with Christ by faith, the glory of having made everything right with God.


The Direction of the Soul is Upwards

God designs that the whole focus of our soul be upwards, fastened to God and not to this old world. He created man in His image. This tells us that He designs that the entire soul be fastened to Him in an indissoluble union of faith; He designs that the soul completely cleaves to him in surrendered union of faith and love.  


Many are the ways in which Jesus taught this great truth. In setting forth the conditions of discipleship, Jesus sets His followers free from all influence which in the slightest would inhibit or diminish the full, whole-soul surrender to Himself in a life in which the entire focus of the soul is upon Him. “If any man come to Me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26.


With these words Christ sets us free in Him, free to search all His unreachable riches, free to follow Him fully and completely without let or hindrance, without diminishment or abatement. In the soul which finds the true focus of the heartbeat of life from Christ, the full powers of the eternal world, of God’s omnipotent power, energy and personality, pervade his soul.


Jesus likened Himself to a vine with us the branches: “I AM the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman. Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit…I AM the Vine, ye are the branches.” John 15: 1,2, 5. The Father cuts off all the tendrils that seek their support in this world, and directs all the tendrils to reach up and find their support in Him.




There is One Above All Earthy Powers


Oh, yes, there is One Who is above all earthly powers. Oh yes, He answers prayer. To some of us He is…well, so very special. Words cannot describe Him and His glory. Words cannot describe what He means to us. We love Him with all our hearts. 


God is so big. Man is so small. God is so great. Man is so weak. Some of us still believe that we ought to obey God rather than man. Some still believe that man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.


Some of us know that prophecy will be fulfilled to the very letter.



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